Language of Choice

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Deathnote Series vs. Deathnote Movie

For anyone who loves the animated series Deathnote, take my advice and DO NOT watch the movie adaptation on Netflix. As someone who has never really loved anime, when I actually sat down with my husband to watch the Deathnote series, it blew me away how much I ended up loving it. The intricate battle of wits between the characters Light and L are what make this series so enticing to watch. Not to mention the overall concept/plot. 
The show takes place in Japan, and is about a high school kid (Light) who comes across a notebook that allows him to kill people by writing their names into it. The deathnote itself comes with many rules that become revealed to the audience throughout the show and each rule is vital in how Light s able to escape getting caught by L.

In the Netflix movie Deathnote; not only does the setting take place in America, but the characters story lines are changed drastically. Even the characters themselves seem to be having two conflicting personalities; one that sticks to the original plot line of the show, and one that fits into this new setting/story line. As if this wasn't depressing enough for someone who was hoping they wouldn't screw up this adaptation too much, the special effects just didn't make the cut at all. The shinigami looked awful! With all of the amazing alien and paranormal movies coming out left and right these days, I truly expected more from the special effects teams in this movie. 
Overall this movie will leave you with a bad taste in your mouth and make you cringe anytime Netflix decides they want to turn any show you love into a movie.

Photo Credits
Image 1- IGN
Image 2- The Daily Dot

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