Language of Choice

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Lost Innocence

Live above the influence
Don't let life bring you down
Be the best you can be
If you fail, try another round

Listen to the words of your broken dreams
Beat yourself up over every little thing
Fall, fall, fall into a deep abyss
Soon all you'll see is pure darkmess

Watch as your life turns inside out
Let pain cloud every judgement with worry and doubt
Have rage take hold of your life's wheel
For soon it will be all you can feel

Hold on to a moment, then let it go
Give into temptation and watch the lies grow
Twist reality until it matches your worst nightmare
Then life will no longer hold anything to fear

Contort your inner self until your unrecognizable
Spin, spin, spin out of your own self control

Enjoy every moment of complete ecstacy
With the pleasure comes the illusion that your free
One day, you'll look in the mirror and see
It's too late; you can never return to who you used to be

Photo credit goes to writer J.W Kash
A link to the exact page on his site this picture was used is below. It's worth clicking on the link guys because he has a pretty interesting/funny post along with this picture and a few others.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Deathnote Series vs. Deathnote Movie

For anyone who loves the animated series Deathnote, take my advice and DO NOT watch the movie adaptation on Netflix. As someone who has never really loved anime, when I actually sat down with my husband to watch the Deathnote series, it blew me away how much I ended up loving it. The intricate battle of wits between the characters Light and L are what make this series so enticing to watch. Not to mention the overall concept/plot. 
The show takes place in Japan, and is about a high school kid (Light) who comes across a notebook that allows him to kill people by writing their names into it. The deathnote itself comes with many rules that become revealed to the audience throughout the show and each rule is vital in how Light s able to escape getting caught by L.

In the Netflix movie Deathnote; not only does the setting take place in America, but the characters story lines are changed drastically. Even the characters themselves seem to be having two conflicting personalities; one that sticks to the original plot line of the show, and one that fits into this new setting/story line. As if this wasn't depressing enough for someone who was hoping they wouldn't screw up this adaptation too much, the special effects just didn't make the cut at all. The shinigami looked awful! With all of the amazing alien and paranormal movies coming out left and right these days, I truly expected more from the special effects teams in this movie. 
Overall this movie will leave you with a bad taste in your mouth and make you cringe anytime Netflix decides they want to turn any show you love into a movie.

Photo Credits
Image 1- IGN
Image 2- The Daily Dot

Monday, August 21, 2017

Get Rich Quick

Want to make money fast
Well click on me
Watch this ten minute video
I can show you how lucky you'll be
Does it sound too good to be true
Well just you wait and see
Let me tell you my story
Just follow steps one, two, and three
If you want the secrets to my success, pay here
Oh honey, did you actually think it would be free?

A couple examples of these Sites

Image is just a screenshot of the payment page that pops up at the end of the link listed above

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Sassy Sauce Time

Lately there are so many things going on in America that show how big of a divide we truly have living in this country. The media, of course, is going to play off of our differences just so they can get better ratings. It's sad, but true. What is even more sad is the amount of people who take one or two news channels word for what really happened in an incident or who was behind it, etc. I don't know about you guys, but in a "basic"high school english class, we were taught the importance of getting multiple sources for any paper we wrote, any stance we took, and for any speech we gave. 
I know, it can get pretty annoying to go ahead and dig for the truth, especially if you weren't born with a curious mind, but we live in a time where we have to start fact checking every source we read or listen to.

Also, with the wide divide that we are seeing in our beautiful country, it is our duty to stop remaining silent about important issues. It is time for us to put our necks on the line and not be afraid to hurt feelings by standing up for what we believe is right. If we lose friends along the way of trying to dig out the truth, share it, and take a stance on that issue, then who really needed that friend anyway. This is no longer a time when we can let fear hold our tongues. Take a stance, and most importantly, spread truth and love to everyone in America because we all call this amazing country our home. 

Photo Credits
Image 1-  The Odyssey

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Church Hunt

We've all been there. That moment when you pull into a parking lot of a church you've never been to before. It can be pretty intimidating. Especially if you are going in through those doors alone.
This past Sunday, that is the exact experience I had. It's been a long time since I have attended a church service, and for me I was in half the mind to not even go because of course, I was running late. As if it wasn't already going to feel weird enough, I had to add on that extra pressure of walking in 5-10 minutes late. 
But it ended up being worth it. My daughter is 5 and she loves going to church, so no matter what I had to be sure that we actually went because this was something she wanted to go do, and who am I to hold my child back from wanting to get to know God better? Especially when I am the one who has been teaching her about him.
So there we were, getting out of our car and immediately I notice a few other people making their way into the service; which of course made me feel a little bit better. I got my daughter checked in to her kids service in the smaller building to the left of the main building and then I made the scary walk over to those double doors. Anyone who has ever been late to a church service knows what this exact moment is like. As soon as you open those doors, everyone in the room turns to look at you (for those who haven't ever been to a church, just think of a time when you were late to a high school or college class). It's like having a spotlight over your head that says, "Yes, I am the one who just couldn't manage to resist hitting that snooze button a few extra times this morning."

Anyways, the church we went to actually ended up having a really relaxed environment and the people there were all pretty welcoming. It's kind of a smaller church. There were maybe 25-30 adults in the 9:00 am adult service. Honestly though, I prefer smaller churches to a larger church any day. When you walk into a large church with hundreds or even thousands of people who attend it, you could end up going years before crossing paths with other people who have been a part of that church family for the same amount of time. To me, larger churches lose their touch with everyone who attends and rely too much on small groups as a way for their members to stay/be connected.
So after attending our first service at One Church, I have to say (maybe a little prematurely) that I think we have found a church that we can feel comfortable at, and even try and get involved in. That's another great thing about smaller churches; they are always trying to find ways to get involved with their communities and build them up so they can get awareness out there.
 This is another thing I am looking for in a church. I want to get involved with making the community I live in a better place, because that is truly where you can start making a difference in this world. 

Photo Credits
Image 1-
Image 2- The Cripplegate

Friday, August 11, 2017

The Sarahah App

Hey everyone! Today I am just going to be sharing a few things about this new app called Sarahah. If you have a social media account, odds are you have already come across this apps name and have been wondering what it is.
Essentially, you can make a profile in this app and other people (whether they are users of the app or not) can give you anonymous comments and ask you anonymous questions. You do have the option to change your privacy settings so only people who use the app can leave comments, and you can make it so your profile is only available to whoever you choose to share it with. 

However, having said that, this app sounds like a terrible idea. In reality the only reason you would use this app is in the hopes that people will leave you anonymous compliments (do you really need the empty flattery?) or so people can ask you questions about your life. (Because who doesn't enjoy informing people they don't know about themselves? That doesn't sound like your inviting stalkers into your life for no reason other than to have someone to talk to.) 
On another note, you are more likely to get negative comments than positive ones. Is this guessing on my part? Yes it is. But seriously people, this is the internet we are talking about. Why open yourself up to the potential to be cyber bullied? Do you really need anyone else's voice in your head telling you that you aren't good enough as you go to sleep at night? To me this app just seems like a lot more trouble than it's worth and if you are a parent I urge you to stop your kids from making a profile with sarahah. The last thing you will want is people who do or don't personally know your child leaving them comments that could potentially rip their self esteem to shreds. 

If you would like to read a few other articles about the app then click the links below:

Photo Credits
Image 1- Z News

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A Modern Day Romeo & Juliet

If you have a deep passion for music and a love for depressing romantic stories, then I encourage you to listen to the album, Broken Bride by Ludo.

This album is one of the most heart wrenching combinations of a story told through a series of songs that I have ever come across. There are only 5 songs total in this album and it will take you roughly 30 minutes to listen to all of them (that is, if you aren't constantly stopping to grab some more tissue).
The love story told through the songs is about a guy who lost the love of his life one morning in May due to a fatal car crash. He ends up building a time machine so he can go back and save her; but every time he goes back she ends up dying anyways/different ways. The time machine ends up malfunctioning during one of his ventures and he crash lands in apocalyptic times. While he is fixing his machine, he sees how chaotic the world has become and how much everyone is suffering. He ends up using his time machine to crash into/vanquish the dragon (aka Lucifer); thereby destroying his ability to get back to his time. Then comes a part where he is communing with the angels and they let him choose one thing as thanks for destroying the dragon. He chooses to go back to the morning in May when his broken bride died in that crash so he can say goodbye to her. Since he knows that no matter what he does she will end up dying anyways, he decides to get into the car with her so they can both die in the crash and go into the afterlife together.

Now I don't know about all of you, but I sincerely believe with some more songs added and a script (that I would be more than happy to have a hand in writing if the band is reading this), this album could be adapted into an extremely successful Broadway Musical. It is truly a modern day Romeo and Juliet and deserves to be heard and recognized by the world for the masterpiece it is.

Photo Credits
Image 1- Youtube
Image 2- Deviant Art

Link to the entire album on youtube is below