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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Surname Origins

This is just one of those random nights where I can't sleep...and obviously that means im looking up random things on my phone. Well, i ended up coming across a nifty little thing on where i can look up surnames and not only find out what countries they originate from, but also the type of work people with those surnames did when they immigrated to the USA.
So, i started looking up the surnames of my great, great grandparents to get a general idea of my diverse families history.
Turns out the surnames can be traced to Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Spain, & England. Also, the two top types of work every branch of my family had in common were laborers and farmers.
Anyways, just some random things about me that I plan on exploring more as i can/have time. If this type of stuff interests you, then I 100% recommend above all other genealogy sites.