Language of Choice

Saturday, June 24, 2017


What has the world come to when our youth can't stand to hear someone speak their mind
Amidst a time when gender and sexuality can supposedly no longer be defined
Some stand on the left, some stand on the right
Conversations no longer civil, but always ending in a fight

Where are the days when differences were celebrated
Each unique gift now just makes us more separated
Living in a country with no sense of pride in their nation
Always making rash decisions leading to the destruction of their own civilization

Taking the problems of the past and trying to prove they still apply
Woe to anyone who would dare use facts to deny
Ignorance of the masses being taken advantage of by those who are greedy
The young being corrupted by these people with hidden agendas on the daily

It's so easy now to point our fingers and find someone to blame
I'm amazed that none of you are bowing your heads in shame
If you truly want change then the solution has never been clearer
Start with the person looking back at you from the mirror

Photo credit goes to discover magazine.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Every Love Story Is Beautiful, But Ours Is My Favorite

4 years ago today, you and I had a small ceremony with just our parents to witness us become one in holy matrimony. 

1 year later, with our families help, we invited our friends and family to join us as we renewed our vows.

Now, here we are, 4 years later. We have gone through so much in such a short amount of time. Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that we were lucky enough to find each other. 
Well, I dedicate this post to you, my husband. The man who has stood by me no matter what life has thrown at us. The man who gives me hard truths, the way only a best friend and loved one does. The man who encourages me to follow my dreams and lifts me up when I am feeling small (which is often since I am so short-yes this was an attempt at some humor). The man who can make me laugh no matter what kind of mood I'm in, and who makes me laugh often. The man who has cried with me when I have been in the kind of pain that cant be healed with medicine. The man who puts me first before himself. The man who views me as an equal, a partner in life. The man who is a wonderful and loving father to our beautiful little girl. The man who pushes me out of my comfort zone constantly, which has helped me to learn and grow as a person. 
You are the love of my life and with every day that love only grows. I will never stop thanking God for bringing us together.
Happy Anniversary to my Sun and Stars!
Love the Moon of your Life
(for those who don't know, yes that was a Game of Thrones reference)

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Top 5 YouTubers

Let me start by saying, I was never really one to go on YouTube just to watch other people's videos. However, over the past few years, my husband has slowly been getting me to watch a variety of videos on YouTube. It has gotten to the point where I can now say I subscribe to numerous channels and I wanted to take a moment and share my top 5 favorite channels, and why they are my favorite.

 1: Philip Defranco- For those of you who have never seen his channel before, he tends to cover a range of topics from top news stories, to movies or shows coming out, controversial topics, etc. He has a large number of followers and appears on more than just YouTube. Apart from being pretty funny, I love how honest he is about where he stands on the subjects he talks about, all while knowing that many people may not agree with him or may even hate him for it. In a world/society where many people shy away from sharing their views to avoid public backlash, he stands out in many ways. However, slight disclaimer to parents, please check out his channel yourself first before deciding if your okay with your child watching it.

 2: IMomSoHard- If you like comedy and are a mom, this is hands down the channel for you to subscribe to.  There isn't a single video they have posted that doesn't make me literally laugh out loud. Essentially the channel is of two moms who get together and talk about the many aspects of having kids and being married. To make things more interesting they always seem to be drinking some type of alcoholic beverage while they are making their videos. While this channel may seem to be geared more towards moms, I feel many dads would get a kick out of their posts as well (this feeling being based on how much my husband laughs when he watches it with me).

 3: Anonymous- Now this channel is unique to any other channel I have come across on YouTube. The videos are not made by one single person or even a small group of people. This channel consists of a bunch of ordinary, every day citizens (most, if not all being hackers). There goal is to shed light on the major issues of the world, where it is heading, to expose corrupt leaders, and to motivate average citizens to make a difference in this world. Another interesting fact about this group, is that even though they have enough followers to be able to make money off of this channel, they choose not to so they can keep their anonymity. If you are into politics, then you will want to hit the subscribe button.

 4: Cayleigh Elise- So for those of you who like creepy/wierd stuff, paranormal tales, myths and legends, etc., then this is a channel to look into. I am a newer subscriber to her channel, but have watched quite a few of her videos with my husband and I have to say, out of all the women who have horror channel's, she is my favorite. Most of the horror channels can tend to all start saying the same things and sounding the same in the end, but hers is unique because she really lets her personality shine through and is one of the only horror channels that can get me to laugh. 

 5: Lazy Masquerade- The last channel on our list is another horror channel. He has everything ranging from reddit stories, to submitted stories, unsolved crimes/mysteries, etc. Unlike Cayleigh Elise, he doesn't reveal his appearance, but he does find the perfect backdrops to display for his viewers as they listen to the different stories he shares. Out of all the male horror channel's I am subscribed to, he comes out with new content the most. If you are okay with maybe not being able to fall asleep after listening to what I consider is the internet's equivalent of ghost stories around the campfire, then his channel is worth looking into.

Disclaimer: All of the pictures I have included in this post originated from YouTube. 
Also, every link included in this post will take you to the channel that was mentioned above it. 
Hope you all enjoyed my list of top 5 favorite YouTube channels, and if you have some channels you would like to share, leave them in the comments below.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Love That Isn't Love

I even lost myself in fantasies of love, although of course I never really loved him. I loved the idea of him. His power, his twisted anger, his dark beauty. There was nobody quite like him. He was as tame as anything in the wild. He was everything to me, yet nothing at all. I had him even though he wasn't even close to being mine. I wanted everything from him, but I didn't expect a thing. I treasured every memory of him, but held on to nothing. I let him in while keeping him at a safe distance. Just one moment spent with him made up for every moment we weren't together. And time itself was incapable of being wasted on him; because when with him, time just didn't exist.