Language of Choice

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Laugh at the Fools

Crowds of people swarm around
Their mouths are moving without making a sound
Laugh at the fools, one and all
Since you get to watch them be their own downfall

Play a single card, but not your whole hand
Watch as the ground breaks beneath where they stand
Reality and fantasy become intertwined
Sense and insanity completely combined

A change in the wind brings you a card you once dealt
Your now on the receiving end of the sadistic satisfaction you once felt
Life tears you down and rips you out of the clouds
Now you are apart of one of their ridiculous crowds

Trying to climb back into your beautiful fantasy
Instead dragged back down into abysmal insanity
The ground beneath you begins to crack and break
The tables have turned and now it's your own life you take

Laugh at these fools one and all
Reality breaks in, and now they watch your self-inflicted downfall

Saturday, May 27, 2017

My Cherished Prayer

There was no body to bury
There was no funeral to give
As soon as your heart started beating
The world denied your right to live

Your innocence was never lost

You had no time to make a mistake
If we take comfort in anything
It's that your heart wasn't given any time to break

Just know your mother loves you

She misses you in every way
If you can find it in your heart
Please forgive her for that day

She grieves for the wedding you will never have

For the life that can't take place
But most of all she wishes
That she could have just once kissed your sweet little face

I'm sorry I couldn't save you

Please try to understand
Your mother was young and naive
I thought he was a friend

We will meet one day in heaven

There you will tell me your name
Knowing that we will reunite
Helps to reduce the pain

When we meet I will kiss your cheek

And I will run my hand through your hair
For in that very moment
God will have answered my most cherished prayer

For anyone who has suffered from having a miscarriage, the link below will take you to a website that not only offers online support groups, but will also direct you to support groups in your area

For anyone who has been sexually assaulted, the link below will take you to an online support group